Hello, friend!! Do you know of a Momma who could use a note of encouragement in the mail? Mother’s Day is right around the corner and these sweet Mother’s Day cards are just waiting to brighten up mother’s hearts! :)

Hello! My name is Melissa Thomsen and I’m the artist behind Melissa Jacie Art. (Jacie is my middle name!) God’s Word is important to me and I hope that the artwork I create brings the light of His truth into many homes!


Have you ever thought of sending a Mother’s Day card to a “hidden” Momma? There a dear, sweet women out there who may long to have a child of their own, but up to this point there is no child in their arms. However, they may be mothers to spiritual children! :) Mothers who may not be recognized as the world’s term of “Mother’s Day” mothers, but all the same are a “Mother”.

Mothers watching out for the spiritual well being of other young women or children. Mothers who are seeking to sow seeds of Truth among those they never could quite see as “their own”. Can you think of a mother like this?

I hope these cards are a blessing!! If you decide to download one or more, I’d LOVE to know in the comments! :) And if there’s another option you’d like to see here, please let me know! :)

“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.”
Proverbs 31:25

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.”
Proverbs 31:28

Continue the Journey …

Weary? Overwhelmed? Looking for something beautiful or encouraging? Take a moment to wander through the website. You’ll find art galleries, an art blog, a growing shop with art prints and printables and more. Let’s be friends!

Surrender. When we surrender, we are surrendering to something or someone. When we surrender to God …we surrender to Someone Who is able to do the impossible, able to lift our souls from unrest, and renew us from within. May each one of these paintings remind you of Who God is.


While the general consideration might be to see this weekend as a time for hearts, flowers and romantic love, what if we made it a time for remembering the truth and beauty of God’s love?


Dreams. Hopes. Plans.

Sometimes they shatter. Shatter into a darkness as vast as the night sky.

But there is One Redeemer. A Redeemer who replaces sorrow with joy. Who lifts from the ashes and clothes with a garment of praise.