Welcome to the Melissa Jacie art gallery! The paintings are divided into series. Each series has or will have it’s own “room” within the gallery. If you need help navigating or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at melissajacie@gmail.com

Visit the new series:
Honeycomb Hope Art

Hope. There is a kind that never truly disappoints. That never fails or fades into a confusing mess of “but I thought …”. This hope never grows old, nor will it ever weaken and become a seeming mirage. This hope is trustworthy. Solid. Firm. Filled with light. This hope, the hope that is offered freely to us in God’s Word is like a field of crystal diamonds as far as the eye can see and as real as the heart could desire. This hope, THE HOPE, never truly disappoints.


In a world of racial tension, accusations, fears, and disunity, we can find hope, redemption and peace through Christ. No matter man or woman, no matter ethnicity or background …we are ALL MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE. We have one line as human beings …that which came from Adam, the first man God created. And for us as Christians, all lines fade, for we are all one in Christ Jesus, becoming heirs to the same promise given to God’s special people through Abraham.


Surrender. When we surrender, we are surrendering to something or someone. When we surrender to God …we surrender to Someone Who is able to do the impossible, able to lift our souls from unrest, and renew us from within. May each one of these paintings remind you of Who God is. Who it is we are surrendering to when we choose not to hold something so tightly. When we choose to place control into His hands. This is not a surrender to what is unknown. This is not a surrender to emptiness or hope-it-works-out. This is a surrender to an Almighty, All-Sufficient, Sovereign and Loving God.


Life is no stranger to challenges, restlessness and hurt. And time is a witness to the mixed realities of life. But there is One Mainstay, One Lord, One God in Whom there is no variation of shadow …we can rest there. May this series be a reminder to us all that God is our Answer.


Have you ever driven along the road and noticed a beautiful arrangement of clouds? Or perhaps it was during a walk? The sky above our heads clearly points us to God Himself. May this series remind us to look up and remember the Truth.


Our Christian past is rich with heroes from the Word of God. Men and women–ordinary people transformed by the divine power of God! May this series inspire each of us to pursue God with loyalty and reverence.

Gallery coming!

With its ever rolling waves, vast landscapes of sand and sky, the ocean is a reminder. A reminder of how big God’s love and mercy is towards us. May this series encourage and comfort our hearts over the Truth of His grace.

Gallery coming!

It’s really neat how God relates Truth to the natural world–things He has created. As we think about what fruit is–it can provide us with insight into how the Spirit works in our lives. May this series be an inspiration to us as we seek the Lord!

Gallery coming!

“Art influences the culture. It impacts what we think, what we do and who we are.”
– Melissa Jacie Thomsen, Artist

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