Hello, friend! Do you enjoy a good story? How about a good story that not only “entertains” but also, and more importantly, edifies? This free printable coloring page goes with a story written by Isabella Alden. Titled A Dozen of Them, we meet a young boy who gets the opportunity to apply Scripture directly into his life. Not only can this story be relatable but also a great reminder/education on how one can apply Scripture to their everyday life. 

If you’d like to purchase a copy of the story to read, you can pick it up from Lamplighter Publishing. It’s titled Joseph’s Shield in their library.

If you decide to download this free printable, could you let me know in the comments? Also, if I create more coloring pages connected to old stories, what stories would you like to see featured?

“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” John 10:11

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Hope. There is a kind that never truly disappoints. That never fails or fades into a confusing mess of “but I thought …”. This hope never grows old …


They always said it that way.

Sarah could hear the pointed words as though she had witnessed them visually before her, written in jerky strokes of agitation.


It is like pulling away a curtain of dark blindness so deep and burning it scars all who stand under its power.

It is the cutting of skin—the cruel ending of breath—the spilling of red-blood life.