LIGHT HOLDER – In a world growing dim from the chaos of lies, the light holder remains heroically strong, holding firmly to all that is true, never tiring or weakening despite the encroaching darkness around him. Painting 2020

The stakes were high.

A blending of music may have forced the framing of reality.

Crush oneself …one’s very soul, under the load of wicked human imagination or feel the burning of skin and know that one’s earthly life was soon to be ashes.

Crux of the minute presented in a vista of battleground.

Whose side would they choose?

The earthly winner looked more triumphant.

Three against a mass of idolaters. Against people and leaders and an angry king.

And yet.

As though casting themselves off a thousand foot cliff with no hope of deliverance, they


Refused when it was the norm to bend.

Stood firm when it was “the thing” to bow.

Resisted when it was the expected to follow.

This was no made-up human bravery. No foolish close-your-eyes-and-hope-you’re-right kind of stand.

Hearts set on the Rock of Ages are always anchored in the depth of His power.

And that choice led to a furnace.

Heated to an earthly force so powerful it killed men that came too close.

Heroes are those who take a stand when the world says bend.

Who choose to say “forgive me” when the world says forget.

Who believe The Truth when the world says believe a lie.

Who rise to serve when the world says treat yourself.

Who choose to rest when the world says push on.

Who stand up and speak when the world says fit in.

Who choose to give when the world says think of yourself.

Who cling to their Only Redeemer when the world goes wild.

This is the hero we need.

It was seemingly only three against a mass of idol worshipers and a powerful king.

But one soul, one heart devoted to God in courage, is more powerful than thousands of idol worshipers bowing the knee in obedience to the world’s call.

And that furnace? They were not alone.

And that fire? They walked out of it.

That king? He honored the Only True God.

That world? It was changed because three men refused to bend.

Be that hero.

(See the book of Daniel, chapter 3 in the Bible.)

“The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” John 7:7