
Fields of now-grown seed waiting to be uprooted and brought in.

Did you know that there’s a vast field before each and every one of us who know Christ as our Savior?

We are called.

Are you a real-life farmer as we usually understand that term? Perhaps not. Neither am I.

Yet in God’s field, we are those involved in just-as-real-life reaping!

Do you like coloring? This coloring page has a special farming family behind it! :)

Rachel @kansaswife kindly agreed to let me use one of her pictures on Instagram for a free coloring page! Thanks so much, Rachel!! :)

As you (and possibly family and friends!) take some time to print and color this page, I hope it will encourage you to meditate and think on the truth of God’s Word!

Here are some discussion questions you might enjoy thinking and talking about as you color:

– Read verses John 4:34-35. According to verse 35, what are we to behold? What are we to lift up our eyes and look on?
– According to John 4:36, what does the reaper do?
– What does the reaper receive?
– What will the sower and the reaper do together?
– How long do we have to wait before harvesting, according to verse 35?
– When should we harvest? Should we ever stop harvesting?
– What does it look like for me to work in God’s field today? How can I be a reaper?
– Am I part of the field or am I a reaper?

If you decide to download and print this coloring page, I’d love to know in the comments!

“Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

“He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.” Proverbs 10:5

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Hope. There is a kind that never truly disappoints. That never fails or fades into a confusing mess of “but I thought …”. This hope never grows old …


They always said it that way. Sarah could hear the pointed words as though she had witnessed them visually before her, written in jerky strokes of agitation.


Miss Hannah Hope can’t wait to help you remember the truth! With three lovely dresses connected to the Hope series of art prints, Miss Hannah Hope can be placed in a stand with a Scripture verse in front (written on one of the printable cards provided)!