Clouds. Soft-winged mist of protective covering. Swirling mass of warning trouble. Moist thickness of a hovering shield. Beautiful art forms that consistently travel across the vestige of earth, these masterpieces, they express truth …these changing forms of artwork are reminders of who God is. “Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, Thou art very great; Thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Who coverest Thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: Who layeth the beams of His chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds His chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:” Psalm 104:1-3


Painting | Print Size: 8×10

When you look up at the clouds overhead …what does it make you think about? Does it remind you of the Truth?

East and west …where do they end? No matter where we walk, where we stand, where we run or where we travel, east and west will still stretch out beyond us.

God takes our sins and removes them far beyond.

The next time you see the clouds drifting across the sky …remember this.

As High

Painting | Print Size: 8×10

All of us across the face of the earth have something very in common with each other.

Each one of us lives under a dome of blue sky. A place of majesty and beauty …a place that tells us of our Creator.

Did you know that as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him?

The next time you see the clouds drifting across the sky …remember this.

Wait On

Painting | Print Size: 8×10 

Clouds can remind us that we are not ultimately in control. God is. Weather is not at our command. It is at His command. Just like a farmer or an artist (see the film!) might wait for clouds to come, so too, we need to wait on God. 

God is on the throne, not us.

The next time you see the clouds drifting across the sky …remember this.


There’s more! If you’d like further inspiration and encouragement connected with clouds, check out this blog post, this story and this film! ;)