by Melissa | Jan 24, 2021 | Art Journal
Expressing a worldview through a brush, holding up thoughts through the vista of colorful strokes, speaking a language that may be overlooked among those who witness it …we are artists. At this point and time in 2021, we have continued to be involved in a world...
by Melissa | Jan 22, 2021 | Art Journal
The flowers looked beautiful, the vista was hopeful …the sun glittered and sparkled midst the waving grasses and hope danced like a melody in her heart. But a quieter song wove itself between the notes. A deeper word lit up a frame of truth around the landscape...
by Melissa | Jan 16, 2021 | Art Journal
LIGHT HOLDER – In a world growing dim from the chaos of lies, the light holder remains heroically strong, holding firmly to all that is true, never tiring or weakening despite the encroaching darkness around him. Painting 2020 The stakes were high. A blending of...
by Melissa | Jan 16, 2021 | Art Journal
She Listened (Orpah) Drawing 2021 Hard circumstances. Burdened heart. Bitter thoughts. Words. How powerful they can be. One woman to another. One mind swaying another. One perspective pressing the other into a line of action. (See the beginning of the book of Ruth...
by Melissa | Jan 9, 2021 | Art Journal
Perhaps yesterday you glanced at a lovely picture of yet another pretty piece of artwork and a little piece inside of you was just a little …sad. You’ve dreamed of picking up the pencil, pen or brush and creating pretty things. You’ve longed to have...
by Melissa | Jan 9, 2021 | Art Journal, In the Studio
The shepherd painting has made progress! God has definitely continued to answer prayer. As you look at these process pictures, notice the change in the hands, the background and the staff. Have you ever wondered if art has an impact? Is it frivolous, a mere decoration...