by Melissa | Feb 5, 2022 | Art Journal
Dust. Or was it dirt? I couldn’t tell. Brushing a finger across the wooden surface I inspected the granules for myself. No, it was probably dust. Though dirt wouldn’t have surprised me. Ever since arriving in this inspiring landscape I had noticed the...
by Melissa | Dec 25, 2021 | Art Journal
I think I’ll always remember it. The winter of 1940 was not particularly hope-filled for many homes. The knowledge of faraway bombings felt like faint echoes of encroaching pain. War was just like its name. An indication of feisty combat, a sign of disunity, a...
by Melissa | Nov 20, 2021 | Art Journal
Dottie pulled one index finger slowly down the pane. Autumn frosts had glittered into existence and this morning’s sunlight turned every glint into a transient diamond. She smiled and watched the coolness melt against the heat of her hand. Murky grays melded into...
by Melissa | Nov 20, 2021 | Art Journal
It was a wandering, windy, wonderful day of watching. Watching the squirrels making their last minute runs for stockpiling food. Watching a few lingering geese spread their wings and signal their start south. Watching the remaining oak leaves flicker into the path...
by Melissa | Nov 6, 2021 | Art Journal
It was one of those days where the wind was bending himself all out of shape. As though his back had a kink and he needed to do all possible calisthenics to relieve the disordered joint. Katie didn’t mind. It made the tall pines bend their regal spires as though...
by Melissa | Jul 3, 2021 | Art Journal
Our homes can be worlds of windows to the Word. Our walls a place of Truth, Hope and Life. Our table a landscape of reflection. Our rooms a home of remembrance. This, is a land of potential. A place of possibility for the presence of the perfect Word of God. Of all...