A Sign of Coming Life | Storytime

It was a wandering, windy, wonderful day of watching. Watching the squirrels making their last minute runs for stockpiling food. Watching a few lingering geese spread their wings and signal their start south. Watching the remaining oak leaves flicker into the path...

He …was Her Friend

It was one of those days where the wind was bending himself all out of shape. As though his back had a kink and he needed to do all possible calisthenics to relieve the disordered joint. Katie didn’t mind. It made the tall pines bend their regal spires as though...

Psalm 23:2-3a | Remember the Truth Tablescapes

Our homes can be worlds of windows to the Word. Our walls a place of Truth, Hope and Life. Our table a landscape of reflection. Our rooms a home of remembrance. This, is a land of potential. A place of possibility for the presence of the perfect Word of God. Of all...

The Light Holder of Outpost #82

Liquid silence reflected the mute stirring of leaves. A humid blanket of moisture laid itself heavily against every wind that might venture upon the threshold. Not even the footfall of the rotating guard down below disturbed the thick, voiceless throb of time. Allie...

Hemmed In | Storytime

Sometimes God may allow constraints or hedges in our life to help us grow, change and/or heal. Like Birdie, we may not realize that stepping out of those boundaries may cause greater harm than staying within. But one day, when it is right, the door will open to our...

The Hope Sender of Doorway Bridge

They always said it that way. Sarah could hear the pointed words as though she had witnessed them visually before her, written in jerky strokes of agitation. “If she’s comin’ in like a lamb, she’ll be sure to roar out like a lion.” It...