thoughts and thinkings of an artist

The Hero We Need

The Hero We Need

The stakes were high.

A blending of music may have forced the framing of reality.

Crush oneself …one’s very soul, under the load of wicked human imagination or feel the burning of skin and know that one’s earthly life was soon to be ashes.

Crux of the minute presented in a vista of battleground.

Whose side would they choose?

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She Listened.

She Listened.

Hard circumstances. Burdened heart. Bitter thoughts. Words. How powerful they can be. One woman to another. One mind swaying another. One perspective pressing the other into a line of action. (See the beginning of the book of Ruth for…

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The Power of Art (and shepherd painting progress)

The Power of Art (and shepherd painting progress)

The shepherd painting has made progress! God has definitely continued to answer prayer. As you look at these process pictures, notice the change in the hands, the background and the staff. Have you ever wondered if art has an impact? Is it frivolous, a mere decoration...

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It’s There

It’s There

It's there. Waiting to be found. Hidden beauty. The question is we take the opportunity? It can be easy to see and highlight the gray. The dirt. The cold. The parts of life that are hard, difficult or challenging. But just like a photographer can take an image...

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It Was Perhaps a Chaotic Night

It Was Perhaps a Chaotic Night

It was perhaps a chaotic night. Customers coming and going. Rooms filling up, voices echoing against the walls and creaming the auditory space with a mesh of vocal emotions. The throbbing sense of busyness framing every movement and thought of a man bearing the responsibility of a busy inn.

And then the knock …or maybe a call. The sudden indication that at least one more desired entry.

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Shepherd | In the Studio

Shepherd | In the Studio

What’s your favorite part of behind-the-scenes process of a piece of artwork? Is it the progress of the actual painting? Is it the preparation before the brush touches the surface? Or maybe it’s both?
This is a painting that is currently on the easel! It’s further along than what this blog post shows …keep an eye out for another update!

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Thy God My God

Thy God My God

In the beginning of the story of Ruth, we see three women with three perspectives. We see Naomi, weighed down by sorrow and loss–submissive under God’s hand, yet advising her daughters to turn back to their homeland which was filled with the darkness of empty gods.

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Online Shop Coming!!

Online Shop Coming!!

This coming Monday, Lord willing, the Melissa Jacie Art online shop will open for orders!! :) If you’re looking for some beautiful Scripture art …

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About the Artist

Melissa Thomsen is an northeastern woman with a mission to share God’s Word through compelling, inspirational and interpretive works of art.

She believes in the importance and life-giving power of the Word of God and desires to draw hearts closer to Jesus Christ and God the Father through her work.

If you have known me for some time, you know there are multiple avenues of art creating that I have pursued. As you may have noticed, I’ve simplified the design of the website, but other links can still be accessed here. Years ago, this website began its major growth through free printable paper dolls and in the midst of business, I’ve tried multiple opportunities. I hope these links will be helpful for anyone looking for these lines of art! :)