Wait | Storytime

It was the kind of air that throbbed with all-things-autumn. Leaves, swathed in daubs of yellows, crismons, and opaque hues of burnt orange, flickered in joyful springs as each breeze passed. Meredith’s hand tightened over her brother’s. The soulful call...

Uplift | Free Printable Scripture Art Prints

Hello, friends! Here is a free, simple and lovely way to bring God’s Word into your home! This printable series provides you with five Scripture art prints and they can be used as they are, or colored in! The series title is “Uplift”. Like Psalm...

Just a Turning of the Door Knob | Storytime

It had been a rough week.   Tangy air pushed against Lydia as she ran, her brother’s hand clasped in her own. The sun was setting, casting a frothy cream of golden oranges and satin-like pinks across the expanse above their heads. Restless waves continued a...

Hope Sender

“You are the light of the world. Matthew 5:14a ESV Are we senders of hope? When we know Jesus Christ as our Savior, we hold a bright world of hope within our souls and a gift of hope within our hands through God’s Word–the Bible. We know the sun is...


Light. It traces patterns on our walls–transparent fingers of golden cream. It shatters through the darkness and becomes a widespread echo of a new day. Light shines over the world, crumbling barriers of darkness and breaking into sparkling droplets on an ocean...