By Their Fruits

Perhaps just yesterday you pulled an apple out of the refrigerator and enjoyed it as a snack. Or, maybe you opened a container and sprinkled blueberries over your oatmeal. As the juicy flavor burst into your mouth, did you think about how these pieces of fruit can...

The Night is Coming

“The Night is Coming” Charcoal Drawing | by Melissa Thomsen 2020 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4 There’s a song resting amongst numerous others between the...

Clouds | Reminders

Clouds. Soft-winged mist of protective covering. Swirling mass of warning trouble. Moist thickness of a hovering shield. Beautiful art forms that consistently travel across the vestige of earth, these masterpieces, they express truth … If you’ve ever...