thoughts and thinkings of an artist

As One Whom His Mother Comforteth
It was a long day. A day full of new and energy-taking discoveries. Playing in a fresh landscape of snow. Building a tall happy snowman with Daddy. And helping Mommy bake a whole batch of pumpkin muffins. All such big jobs. Big jobs for a girl who had only seen two...

The Mystery of Burdenshare
Come now, take a moment will you? And hear my story. Who am I? Ah, yes. Of course you'd want to know. Me? I'm just an old man now ...worn well like an aged violin exterior may look tired, but ah, the melodic joy inside. Beautiful tunes can reside in the womb of...

Light on Redwood Lane
It was a strongly contested topic. Known as The Lane of Lagoons, many protested that this long, winding road should be titled with the more palatable words: "Redwood Lane". And thus, many spoke of it by this name. "More romantic." Said one author who had...

You are Loved
Rosalyn really enjoyed encouraging others. Some days, she'd send pretty notes filled with Scripture cards, tea bags and handmade paper glitter to her friends across the states. Other days she'd create pretty banners to hang up on doorways in the home. And sometimes on...

Herein is Love
Perhaps it really didn't matter. Gigi picked up her dolls and scurried down the hallway. Using her elbow she pressed the large wooden door open and looked inside. Yes. It was perfect. Soft winter light caressed the quiet interior like invisible feathers of white down....

More Than a Valentine
Again. Wistfully placing a few books back onto a shelf, Annie sighed. Oh, it wasn't that she was upset. Not really, anyway. It's just that ...well, it was like a sore finger that kept getting paper cuts. She had several such annoying slices lined up on her index...

Watermelon Sky
Dust. Or was it dirt? I couldn't tell. Brushing a finger across the wooden surface I inspected the granules for myself. No, it was probably dust. Though dirt wouldn't have surprised me. Ever since arriving in this inspiring landscape I had noticed the expanses of...

The Weary World …Rejoices
I think I'll always remember it. The winter of 1940 was not particularly hope-filled for many homes. The knowledge of faraway bombings felt like faint echoes of encroaching pain. War was just like its name. An indication of feisty combat, a sign of disunity, a warning...

Weak Things for Great Things | Storytime
Dottie pulled one index finger slowly down the pane. Autumn frosts had glittered into existence and this morning’s sunlight turned every glint into a transient diamond. She smiled and watched the coolness melt against the heat of her hand. Murky grays melded into...

A Sign of Coming Life | Storytime
It was a wandering, windy, wonderful day of watching. Watching the squirrels making their last minute runs for stockpiling food. Watching a few lingering geese spread their wings and signal their start south. Watching the remaining oak leaves flicker into the path...

About the Artist
Melissa Thomsen is an northeastern woman with a mission to share God’s Word through compelling, inspirational and interpretive works of art.
She believes in the importance and life-giving power of the Word of God and desires to draw hearts closer to Jesus Christ and God the Father through her work.