thoughts and thinkings of an artist

Worth More Than Sparrows | Wednesday ‘Behind-the-Scenes’

This 'behind-the-scenes' post is on a colored pencil painting that I made for (my sister) Kristen's birthday this year. It's based on Luke 12:6-7. I first did thumbnail sketches. For example, these two sketches were a couple of ideas that tried to grasp the concept I...

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3 Tips on Color Design – 2 | Tuesday Tips

Tip #2 - COMPLEMENTARY COLORS   Last week our art tip was on value. This week we're going to talk about using color theory and complementary colors. In this image (below) you should see three colors. Blue, red and yellow. These are called primary colors. And are...

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Lilly Little Paper Doll | Monday Littles

  It's Monday, and Lilly Little is just waiting for you to cut her out and play with her! And not only that ... but there's a special addition to today's little paper doll! A special print and fold card that you can put in the mail to bless a friend! Use the...

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Joyful Joyce’s Summer Wardrobe | Free Friday

So ... I know it's a little late for "summer" clothes, but as I was thinking about making Joyful Joyce some more clothes, I didn't quite like making her fall clothes before giving her something for summer! :-) So here we are. Joyful Joyce's Summer Wardrobe! Click the...

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The True Princess | A Thursday Children’s Book Review

I don't know about you, but I really enjoy learning from other children's authors and illustrators--so, I thought I'd start sharing some books that have been an encouragement to me. I hope they will encourage you in your journey as an artist, illustrator, or writer!...

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3 Tips on Color Design – 1 | A Tuesday Tip

  Tip #1 - VALUE   Study the image (below) carefully. The first row of dots at the top are line of blacks/grays that range from very dark to very light. These are each called different values. One is lighter than the other. One is darker then the other....

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Questions :-)

Question #1 [poll id='5'] Question #2 Click Here Question #3 Q: What are some post topics that you'd like to see blogged about? (For example: Art Tips, Behind the Scenes, How-Tos) A: Write in the comment box below. Thank-you so much for your ideas and input! :-) Note:...

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About the Artist

Melissa Thomsen is an northeastern woman with a mission to share God’s Word through compelling, inspirational and interpretive works of art.

She believes in the importance and life-giving power of the Word of God and desires to draw hearts closer to Jesus Christ and God the Father through her work.

If you have known me for some time, you know there are multiple avenues of art creating that I have pursued. As you may have noticed, I’ve simplified the design of the website, but other links can still be accessed here. Years ago, this website began its major growth through free printable paper dolls and in the midst of business, I’ve tried multiple opportunities. I hope these links will be helpful for anyone looking for these lines of art! :)