thoughts and thinkings of an artist

5 Sketching Tips – 3 | Tuesday Tips

The past two posts in this sketching series were on being relaxed, and trying different styles. This week's focus is on:   Tip #3 - Practice from Life   One of the most important tips I've received from other artists is to practice straight from life. Now...

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5 Sketching Tips – 2 | Tuesday Tips

Our first tip in this new series on sketching was to be relaxed. The next tip is:   Tip #2 - Try Different Styles   This is part of the practical application of sketching, and can actually be a really fun part! Try grabbing a piece of paper near you and...

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5 Sketching Tips – 1 | Tuesday Tips

5 Sketching Tips – 1 | Tuesday Tips

The past few art tip posts have been focusing on color design, with three tips: value, complementary colors, and observation. Now we're going to jump into a series on sketching! The first tip is:   Tip #1 - Be Relaxed   I know this might sound a little like...

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Lila Little Paper Doll | Monday Littles

Here's a Monday Little to bring a smile your way! In the printable below there is an extra copy of the paper doll to share with a friend or sibling! Stick the extra in a note, or slip it in your sisters' school book as a surprise to brighten their day! ;-)   You...

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Because I Love You | Thursday Children’s Book Review

  Because I Love You Written by: Max Lucado Illustrated by: Mitchell Heinze   A story that dwells upon God's love and faithfulness towards His children, Because I Love You is not only a beautiful story, but a great encouragement for the heart. Shaddai and...

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3 Tips on Color Design – 3 | Tuesday Tips

Tip #3 - Observation   The past two tips have been on value and complementary colors. This week we're going to talk about observation. In other words, observing the colors around us and using what we learn, in our art. 1. To start, find a sketchbook, or small...

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Splashes | Sunshine Journal

When in Maine, Melanie and I sat on a dock and put in our feet in the water. It was very cold, but we ended up having a lot of fun making splashes and trying to capture them with our cameras. Here's one of my favorite pictures.   Water droplets, sunshine,...

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About the Artist

Melissa Thomsen is an northeastern woman with a mission to share God’s Word through compelling, inspirational and interpretive works of art.

She believes in the importance and life-giving power of the Word of God and desires to draw hearts closer to Jesus Christ and God the Father through her work.

If you have known me for some time, you know there are multiple avenues of art creating that I have pursued. As you may have noticed, I’ve simplified the design of the website, but other links can still be accessed here. Years ago, this website began its major growth through free printable paper dolls and in the midst of business, I’ve tried multiple opportunities. I hope these links will be helpful for anyone looking for these lines of art! :)